Arduino Uno R3 + WIFI module not recognized by the computer

Hello everyone!
I would be very happy to help because I get a little involved ..
I bought a new Arduino from the Arduino r3 + wifi model and when I connect the Arduino to one USB connection it makes a sound of unrecognized hardware. Although when I connect to a second connection it makes a sound of recognized hardware but I can not detect the entry of one of the ports in the ide software (it shows me only port number 3 but it is not the appropriate port). As you can see in the attached picture the lights on the board are on ... what could be the problem?

Which processor are you trying to access? There are on board switches to control that.

In the meantime I am trying to access the ATmega processor only .. I have changed the appropriate switches as you can see.

Not familiar with this board - but wondered if it is not a genuine Arduino product and needs the CH340 driver for the usb connection ? ( the writing in the chip next to the USB would say it’s type )

Thank you!
Indeed this is the problem and now the computer is reading the card but for some reason when I try to upload a program it brings me the following error:

What does such an error mean and what can be done to correct it?

Am I wrong in the name of the board?

The error is typically a faulty or charger type USB cable instead of a data type , usb chip driver not present or wrong port selected or switches set wrong

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