Arduino uno rev 3 compatibility with Velleman VMA03 motor shield

Hi, so I'm completely new to arduino and have started with a project well above my knowledge. It's a robot-project having 7 microservos and 2 DC motors. I use an arduino r3, i2c servo controller board (Adafruit 16-Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Driver) and a Velleman VMA03 motor shield. See picture for wiring.

I realized that my motor shield doesn't have a SDA/SCL pin, but I thought I could just connect the jumper wires directly into the uno before attaching the motor shield. However, when I do this I can't control the servos. Everything works fine without the motor-shield (but obviously I cant' control the DC motors). So, is my assumption of connecting the jumper wires directly into the uno wrong? Do I need to get a new motor-shield?

I can't look up the motor shield now. On an Uno, A4 and A5 also carry the I2C signals so if they are available on the motor shield you can use those.

There is a chance that the motor shield uses A4/A5 for something, check the schematic of the motor shield.

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