Arduino webserver/website over mobile networks

I'm a n00b.
Just a simple question.
Why can I NOT access my arduino website over cell mobile networks?

I'm missing/not understanding something fundamental.
I have a simple arduino webserver running and generating a simple webpage. I can access it using internet from any computer or phone that is connected to the "internet". I'm in oklahoma, even my friend in New York can access it.
However, anyone trying to connect to my arduino webpage over a mobile network cannot get to my webpage? I dont understand why not? Over mobile networks I can get to most any webpage but not my adruino website. Why not?
I understand there are GSM shields sold for this purpose but again, I dont understand whats different in my arduino webserver/website and my other home written websites hosted on a web host.

I'm suspecting it's something the cell network people are blocking? In my case I use AT&T.

Does it have an IP address that starts with 192, 172 or 10?
Have you enabled enabled port forwarding on your internet modem/router?

Most likely routing, port forwards and firewalls.

Perhaps a little picture of how your connections are would help us see clearly.

Your mobile data provider may not be giving you a publicly visible IP,
It will be fine for all outbound connections but you may not have any route for incoming.

I doubt if they actually actively block much as all they want is for you to use data and pay them for the gift, it will just be the way they are allocating IP's.
If you have a public IP that changes then you need to use some soft of DynDNS service so you have a static name to hit.

There will be ways to work around most things but it all depends on what resources you have to work with and what the goal is.

Does it have an IP address that starts with 192, 172 or 10?
Have you enabled enabled port forwarding on your internet modem/router?

Does it have an IP address that starts with 192, 172 or 10?
Have you enabled enabled port forwarding on your internet modem/router?

Thanks for the reply guys, appreciate it.

The IP address is publicly available.. http://68.229.XXX.XX:5000/
Yes, port forwarding is used, http://68.229.XXX.XX:5000/ forwards to local
I also have the local IP "reserved' on the router so nothing else (other devices) will use that local IP addr.

Most likely routing, port forwards and firewalls.

Perhaps a little picture of how your connections are would help us see clearly.

Your mobile data provider may not be giving you a publicly visible IP,
It will be fine for all outbound connections but you may not have any route for incoming.

I doubt if they actually actively block much as all they want is for you to use data and pay them for the gift, it will just be the way they are allocating IP's.
If you have a public IP that changes then you need to use some soft of DynDNS service so you have a static name to hit.

There will be ways to work around most things but it all depends on what resources you have to work with and what the goal is.

The externally exposed IP addr is not static (yet), I'm still playing with(tweaking) the code, when finished and if I like it, then I'll sign up somewhere for a DynDSN service for a static IP. For now, the external IP works, I know it may change, although I've found that my IP provider ( rarely changes my IP.

You said.... "
"Your mobile data provider may not be giving you a publicly visible IP,
It will be fine for all outbound connections but you may not have any route for incoming."
Thats what I'm thinking. Reading the wikipedia pages on GPRS is helping me get my head around all this.

I am sooooooo tempted to post a link to my Arduino website. ah hell... I can always block it on my router if I see anything suspicious.

can you guys get to this??

edit: link removed

A yes/no question.
Can arduino generated web pages normally be accessible over cell mobile networks? (not Wifi, cell service/network only)

Really appreciate the help guys.

It's a NO from here.
Oops I got your IP CAM on port 5000.

I have a CCTV system on GSM and I can drill into that with no issue.
So suspect that an Arduino should also work.

No-IP is free for single use.

Thank you!!!
Were you using regular internet (WiFi or Ethernet) or cell network?

It's a NO from here.
Oops I got your IP CAM on port 5000.

I have a CCTV system on GSM and I can drill into that with no issue.
So suspect that an Arduino should also work.

No-IP is free for single use.

This is hilarious!
You mentioning you got to my IP camera on port 5000 gave me a crazy idea.
...trying to make a long story short here.....
Those old cheap-o "Foscam" IP cameras I use came with a free DNS service when you buy them. (Honestly I'm surprised thier DNS service is still working after all these years)
So.... I thought.. what if I used Foscam's DNS server to forward port 5003 to my local IP:port where my arduino is. so I went to my IP webcam, changed only the URL port to 5003.
It works!!! I can see my arduino website! LOL! AND I can see it over cell network also.(Wifi turn OFF on my phone) crazy!
Thanks you , oh, I have a no-ip account, I dont like them because of the constant need to confirm my free no-ip service.

This brings up two things,
I SERIOUSLY need to get up to speed on networking.
I am currently abusing a free DNS server for something it wasn't intended for.

Thank you again Hiddenvision , now I know, adruino websites CAN be viewed over cell mobile networks.

Final follow up,
Web page still doesn't work. web page displays fine but when the page is returned to the client/user it is using the wrong port.
I have become convinced the problems all along is the 'Wemos D1 Mini" that I'm using is the cause. It took forever to get it to use the IP address I specified, now it's not using the correct port. I have found I'm not the only one having IP internet setting problems with this board.
I'm going to order a different WifI board.
Thanks for your input guys.

I think you are confused a little, or me.!

DNS just allocates a resolvable name to the current IP.
Not sure it does anything with the ports but then it may.

My ability to access the Foscam just indicates that the IP given was correct.

Having both the Arduino and the Foscam on the same port will end in tears.

Just a guess but can you not just replace the port used on the URL.
assuming that you use something like
just try

I have no idea of the Foscam DNS process but as long as you have a name,
you should be able to just end the URL with a port number.

I agree with you 100%
This stuff is sometimes hard to put into words without writing a novel!
I have an idea how using the foscam DNS server worked, because of my current router settings, and yes, I only changed the port, nothing else, that was the idea that you gave me when you accessed the webcam.
I have since stopped using the foscam dns method and now have the page up and running AND accessible using cell mobile networks!
Here's the current mystery.
on my router, If I forward my public IP:port to my local lan IP:port of my aduino
example: -->forwards to local lan-->
That does NOT work on cell mobile networks.
However, if I dont specify the external IP and only the port,
example: -->forwards to local lan-->
cell mobile networks works! but anything coming into my external IP on port 5003 is going to goto the arduino. lol. Thus a no-ip type service is needed.

Here's another mystery,
When the arduino POSTs back the webpage to the client, it uses port 80, even though I started it with port 5003. so....
I changed this..
String IPaddress = WiFi.localIP().toString();
webpage += "<form action="http://"+IPaddress+"" method="POST">";

to this.. (hard coded IP addr with port)
String IPaddress = "";
webpage += "<form action="http://"+IPaddress+"" method="POST">";

Although I have it up and running, I'm going to start with a clean slate and rewrite the whole dam thing, because I dont like the example I started with.

Also, I ordered a different WiFi board.

but hey, it's been a fun learning experience and it works right now.

Thanks for the ideas Hiddenvision.

P.S. I'm an old retired software guy, been writing code for 40 years, always hated doing networking stuff!!! lol.