Hi All,
This is my first post and hope this is in the correct section. I am also a newbie to electronics so any input welcome.
I'm looking to add a SSR to my Arduino Uno. I am leaning towards an SSR due to the fact that I do not need to add any transistor or mosfets and will only be switching low currents. Are there any drawbacks to using SSR in a low current switching applications?
I would like to add a Finder 39 SSR.
Tech Specs:
Nominal Voltage: 6 V
Nominal Voltage Min: 4.8 V
Nominal Voltage Max: 6.6 V
Must Drop-out Voltage: 0.6 V
Rated Current Voltage at Nominal Voltage: 7.5 mA
Rated Power at Nominal Voltage: 0.2 W
Voltage: So from the Arduino specs the voltage output is 5 V which falls with in the voltage range of the SSR, just. Some post have referenced 5.5 V. Which is more accurate?
Current: Arduino specs 40mA current output. So at 6 V the SSR consumes 7.5 mA. There for at 5.5 V it would consume 6.9 mA? And at 5 V it consumes 6.3 A? Are the calculations and terminology correct?
Would this SSR work?
Would I have to add a resistor (6.9mA seems low compaied to the 40 mA rated output), what is the minimum current an output can handle before short circuiting?
What is max drop-out voltage?
Please excuse my terminology and thank in advanced for any input.