arduinos of different model can be used to burn bootloader?

Hi, I have 2 boards, a leonardo and a duemilanove a(with tmega168).

Is it possible to use leonardo to uplaod bootloader to duemilanove?
Pins layout are the same as in this: ?


Sure, see here

You can run the bootload installer sketch on any arduino.

It's a little more difficult to use the ATmega32U4 based boards with the ArduinoISP sketch, as shown on that tutorial page (Arduino as ISP). I have attempted to make accomplishing this very easy:

Thanks for the link. Some follow ups:

a) I don't have jumper cables to connect the icsp, can I use a connection similar to "arduino uno and similar"?
b) leonardo will be the board to use as programmer, so just have to "upload" Atmega_Board_Programmer/
and connect the wires and then upload?

c) Arduino ISP is this one?

Thanks again

a) I don't have jumper cables to connect the icsp, can I use a connection similar to "arduino uno and similar"?

From Gammon Forum : Electronics : Microprocessors : Atmega bootloader programmer

The Leonardo does not expose the ICSP pins on the board "header" pins so you either have to use the IDC programming cable described earlier, or connect the ICSP pins of both boards together using female-to-female hookup wire

So if you're asking about the Nick Gammon sketch then the answer is no, you need to connect to the ICSP pins of your Leonardo. If you're asking about "Arduino as ISP" then the answer is yes because it allows you to do software SPI on any pins but you will need to specify those pins in the sketch, lines 81-87:

// Uncomment following line to use the old Uno style wiring
// (using pin 11, 12 and 13 instead of the SPI header) on Leonardo, Due...



#define PIN_MOSI	11
#define PIN_MISO	12
#define PIN_SCK		13

c) Arduino ISP is this one?

Please use the chain links icon on the toolbar when you post links to make them clickable. In this case actually it would have been better to use the image icon to embed that image in your post.

Yes, that's correct but actually it's called "Arduino as ISP". It's kind of confusing because the sketch you use to turn an Arduino board into an "Arduino as ISP" programmer is called ArduinoISP (File > Examples > 11.ArduinoISP > ArduinoISP) but there is also a completely different dedicated programmer that Arduino sells named "ArduinoISP".