Ardunio + led ballast = touch sensor not working!

Hi guys

I am pretty new to electronics, and arduino so I am not sure what i am doing wrong. I have an arduino uno that i am trying to make a touch sensor for my under cabinet lighting for my new kitchen cabinets. I had a guy write the code for me, everything works great until i plug in the ballast and then i can not get the arduino to register my touches. It will work if i touch the ground on the arduino board and tap the sensor but if i am not holding it i get nothing. The ballast i am using is a meanwell lpf 16d-24. Can anyone point me in the right direction to get this working? thanks!

How have you plugged in your "ballast" to your Arduino?
What is a meanwell lpf 16d-24? all I get when I google for it is a power supply, why do you call this a ballast?

What sort of touch sensor are you using?

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Hi and thanks for responding.
This is the ballast I am using. I have the arduino pwm and ground plugged into the ballast. My touch sensor is a piece of angle aluminum about 24 inches long.

have the arduino pwm and ground plugged into the ballast. My touch sensor is a piece of angle aluminum about 24 inches long.

Sorry that does not cut it in electronics. I have no idea what you have. The phrase "plugged in" is meaningless, we need to know what pins of the Arduino connect to what pins of your unit, we need to know what pins you connect your LEDs to.
We also need to know how you are making a touch sensor from aluminium, what is the circuit and what is the software driving it?

Sorry I was not more specific. I am using an arduino uno powered by a 6v 300mah power supply. The arduino is using the capsense library for the capacitive touch sensor, it is connected to pin 2 and 4 with a 10k ohm resistor across the pins. The pwm signal is pin 3 and I have the ground for that signal connected to pin 14. The driver is a dimmable 0-10v pwm ballast like I said meanwell lpf 16d-24 dimmable LED driver.

The arduino code works just fine without the pwm signal connected to the ballast. I have tested it with a led on my breadboard. My problem is when I connect the pwm signal from the arduino to the led driver the touch sensor stops responding. If I touch the ground of the arduino I can make the sensor work, so I am assuming it's some sort of grounding problem. I am lost any help is appreciated.

I am using an arduino uno powered by a 6v 300mah power supply.

Using 6V to correctly power an Arduino is impossible. It is too much to put in the 5V pin and too small to put in the Vin pin.

it is connected to pin 2 and 4 with a 10k ohm resistor across the pins.

That is wrong by many orders of magnitude, you need a 10M resistor across the pins.

That libiary is flaky at the best of times, it is so easy to upset it but incorrectly powering the Arduino is not helping. There are two pins, are both of them connected to different bits of aluminum?

Have you tested just the PWM into the LED driver. Please stop using the word ballast it is wrong.