
So after ordering a brand new replacement Atmega328 for my Arduino that stopped responding for no apparent reason, I went to turn on my 12V supply (to VIN) to test something real quick and instead of hooking it up to the 12V breadboard circuit it was intended for, I accidentally hooked it up to the 5V rail on the breadboard adjacent to it instead and my Arduino Uno that was attached is now literally fried! The computer won't even recognize it anymore :frowning: I don't suppose anyone has an Arduino Uno just laying around they no longer need and could part with for a few bucks?

All frustrations aside, I have a handful of ATTiny85's coming in over the next few weeks and will likely order [yet] another Atmega328 chip and need to know what the best programmer would be for these (ideally one-size-fits-all so I can program both ATTiny85 and Atmega328 with the same programmer). I would use the ArduinoISP option but that's obviously harder to do when you've just fried the only one you have. I really don't want to spend another $45+ for an Uno when I have other parts and things I needed to order.

Meh >.<

I like the $2 Pro Minis from eBay.

Those particular boards can be programmed either with ISP or Arduino, and it is easy to remove the regulator and other unneeded parts to make ultra low power units for battery operated sensors. I have about 10 and they all work perfectly.

I also just found this one (some people were saying they were able to program both):

Sorry dude. Sad story, but I keep all my spare parts and broken boards too. :frowning:

I use USB Asps for programming (ignore the warning telling you to upgrade f/w - it's fine) - they're dirt cheap on ebay.

I'm sure you could find a fellow in china willing to sell you an Uno clone (or few hundred) for a good price:

Note that many of those use the CH340G serial chip, which needs it's own driver (and apparently the driver is hardish to get on mac now), but it works great on linux and windows ( CH341SER.exe is the name of the windows driver - lots of sources for it now. Installer looks really half-assed, but it works great).

I use USB Asps for programming (ignore the warning telling you to upgrade f/w - it's fine) - they're dirt cheap on ebay.

I'm sure you could find a fellow in china willing to sell you an Uno clone (or few hundred) for a good price:

Arduino Uno for sale | eBay

Note that many of those use the CH340G serial chip, which needs it's own driver (and apparently the driver is hardish to get on mac now), but it works great on linux and windows ( CH341SER.exe is the name of the windows driver - lots of sources for it now. Installer looks really half-assed, but it works great).

I feel ready enough to leave the safe Arduino Uno nest and take on shrinkifying/embedding my projects and/or using an external programmer on custom built Arduino microcontroller circuits. I'm almost more inclined to spend the $45 on a solid programmer vs. getting a replacement Uno.

Nevertheless, if I did get another Uno, though, I would still try and stick with Genuine :slight_smile:

Ah, well, then you're going to spend more than a few bucks for an Uno.

I'm 100% clone and generic (and I donate to Arduino periodically to keep karma balance okay)

I'm almost more inclined to spend the $45 on a solid programmer

Which one are you thinking to buy? I bought an Atmel AVRISP MkII thinking it was worth spending more for a good programmer but I prefer my cheap USBasp with updated firmware because the Arduino IDE has a bug with using the MkII to burn bootloader.

Re: Argghhh!!! aarg isn't on-line, so yelling for him won't help.

the Arduino IDE has a bug with using the MkII to burn bootloader.

What bug is that? I have been using one for 5 years now, finally had to replace the ribbon cable as it wore out.
Programs 328Ps, 1284Ps, 2560s, and about to start on 2561s.

What bug is that?

Arduino IDE sending avrdude commands to avrisp2 too fast · Issue #2986 · arduino/Arduino · GitHub more discussion and workarounds at Solved:Bootloader from Arudino IDE with AVRISPmkII fails - IDE 1.x - Arduino Forum. I do use the Boards Manager installed programmer workaround but it still causes a false error message which makes it hard to tell if the bootloader was successfully burned or not. It does seem that all the reports are with people using Windows but I don't see anywhere that it has been stated it's a Windows only bug. Maybe it's just artifact of the majority of users being on that OS? I only encountered the problem when I upgraded from Arduino IDE 1.0.6, before that I was happy with the MkII and the USBasp was just my backup programmer.