Aruidno IDE 2.0.3 won't download board libraries


I just recently installed 2.0.3 and first time it opens it tries to install all the packages. This for the most part worked except it seems that two libraries failed to install. The more important of the library appears (to me) to be the library that has all the boards in it which means the IDE is completely useless to upload sketches.

The output of the on the IDE is

Downloading packages
Failed to install platform: arduino:avr.
Error: 13 INTERNAL: Server responded with: 503 Service Unavailable
Failed to install library: Arduino_BuiltIn:1.0.0.
Error: 9 FAILED_PRECONDITION: Library 'Arduino_BuiltIn@1.0.0' not found

while two little panes pop up on the console in the bottom right hand corner.

Edit: I have attempted to install 2.0.3 on two separate computers, one is running Windows 10 Enterprise pro, and the other Windows 11 Pro (intel, and amd respectively).

503 error is probably indicating the Arduino web site was not available at that moment. Try again?

I've tried every couple of hours for starting yesterday. Unfortunately it is still giving the same error on both computers.

Ate you in a corporate environment? They might block access.

Or are you using a corporate computer at home? Same possible issue.

sigh good call. It worked on the laptop when i tried to install it while hot spotting. University internet = bad apparently. Thanks for the help!

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