Atmega 1284p

Hi, the atmeag1284p seems to be most versatile mcu for arduino. Why is this chip not supported? P.

Funny, I was looking for it today.

If you search for sanguino ATmega1284, you'll see that the bootloader has been ported and it is possible to get the arduino libraries to run on it.
Try the older forum, there's a post about it already with links for the bootloader and tutorials.

I'm using that chip in a current design, with 2 UARTs, 128k flash, 16k RAM and 30-odd IO pins it's a great option.

It should be the next official board processor I reckon, sits nicely between the 328 and 2560.


Check her for info on using the 1284P.

Check her

She's not there :slight_smile:

Hate it when she hides like that!

Try here then, 2nd link down

Anyone tried burning a bootloader to the 1284P?

I have tried the two that Mark S provided on his site, plus another one he provided me directly - and all of them I get an error when the bootloader is being verified.
I dont have the exact error message on me however (im at work), however it was along the lines that it failed at a certain address, should have been 0xC1 and was 0xFF or something like that.

Mark S said he has encountered this a number of times also but hasnt gotten to the bottom of what causes it, however the bootloader he said should still work.
I havent tried, I just cleared the bootloader after getting the message, and continued to use the ISP programmer instead. I will try to use it tonight.


OK got the error message still, however the bootloader worked and I can program over FTDI correctly.

Still - strange about the error. I didnt even bother trying to see if it worked after getting the error, not something I would normally try - as error to me normally means a show stopper until I find the reason.
