Scratching my head on this one too..
I have some 328P boards that I can't get the bootloader serial to work no matter what.
Read something about if the fuse is set fro the 16MHz crystal to divide by 16 and run at 1MHz the bootloader will not work correctly.
How do I read the fuses in Windows? Easily?
Any way?
I'm using a simple USBASP programmer since the serial ting is NOT working at all.
I have other posts about this and avrdude.
I can;t find avrdude in windows and not sure if it's included in the IDE.
Use the USBASP and the IDE to Burn the Bootloader for Uno board type.
That sets the fuses for external 16 MHz oscillator and leaves the system clock at 16 MHz.
You should be able to load via serial after that.
Yeah that is one of the first things I tried and tried over again.
I have the other thread still going about not being able to get the serial programming
to work on some boards that I have.
Is there an easy way to read/verify/change fuses?
And can it be done with the arduino software in windows and a USBASP?
I have reburned the bootloader many times.
It seems to have a built in LED blink on pin 13 and it is a shorter blink than I get with the blink example script.
Is this normal?
It's a define once per second blink and very short flash.
Goes on forever.
The bootloader does blink the LED, and it's different than the blink script. If you burn the blink script, does it blink at the right speed? -- If so, you're arduino is running at the expected speed. You can change the delay line to be something else and then time it to see if it blinks at about the correct speed.
AVRDUDE is included with Arduino, but it's buried deep in the Arduino folders -- mine is at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\bin".
You can add this folder to your path if you like, with the following command (verify it's the same location for you first, and you must be running the "cmd" as an Administrator):
Then you can just type "avrdude" at the command line and it should work, you may have to provide a path to the avrdude.conf file as well (you may be able to add "C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\etc", to the path as well, or alternately, as a quick hack, you should be able to just copy the avrdude.conf file into the bin folder -- the Arduino IDE will still use the one from "etc", but then your command line one will use the one from "bin", so it's kind of an ugly solution, but it saves space in your path variable).
Then, if you launch AVRDUDE in terminal mode (with the "-t" flag), you can view the fuses pretty easily using "d lfuse", "d hfuse", and "d efuse" to view the various fuse parameters, respectively.
Sound great I'll give this a try.
Yes I can upload the actual blink script and it has a much different timing.
Led is on much longer duration compared to the bootloader blinking.
I have another thread open just have not been able to get the serial programming to work at all
and have no clue why not.