AVRdude Command Line vs Arduino IDE


I have recently uploaded a sketch onto a blank atmega328p chip without bootloader using a usbasp and the internal clock.

When I put it into my Arduino and put on my program my leds flash instead of a smooth fade. Any Ideas? I also pressed burn bootloader from the Arduino IDE and now I am not getting any response from my chip...

There is a reason behind burning it off the arduino board... as I will be using it off the board in the future but need to test it somehow.

Any ideas?


I think you need to learn about the boards.txt file that comes with the IDE because that is where the fuse values used during the burn bootloader process are stored, and learn about fuse settings. For fuse settings I recommend reading the ATmega328P data sheet from ATMEL and use an online fuse calculator such as AVR Fuse Calculator for ATmega328P

What you probably have going on is during the burn bootloader the fuses were set to external crystal, so now you need to connect a crystal. You would need to connect a crystal temporarily to set the fuses back to internal oscillator. Or, Adafruit has a version of the Arduino as ISP sketch that outputs a clock signal on pin 9 of the programmer Arduino, and you can also use that to program the chip back to internal oscillator. And Nick Gammon's board programmer sketch also puts out the pin 9 clock signal. You can google to find those sketches.