Attiny Development board HW-260 win 10

Any help me on this been trying for days to get this working HW-260 development board with 85 chip says device desciptor failed i tryed running zadig and installed all attiny chips on arduino ide added digistump boards still cant get anything to work

Do a search for "HW-260 development board". There are literally millions of pages on that little board. Did you find no help there?

???? no reply ?

only one mention on the forum of hw 260 and not related sorry new to this trying to learn

A Google search "HW-260 development board tutorial"

thanks just done a little more reading and it appears this is a copy of digispark but has no bootloader on the 85 and would have to use the uno to flash it first before it will work in the board thanks for pointers will check out thoes videos cheers

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