This core can be installed using the boards manager. The boards manager URL is:
note @hmeijdam :This original URL gives a certificate error for a few months now
luckily a helpful person put up a copy of the file on this URL, so that the boards manager can install attinycore after you add below URL to your IDE "Additional boards manager URLs" that you can find under menu item "file->preferences".
I think that using "Arduino UNO Board", "ArduinoISP Sketch", and "Arduino as ISP (Programmer)", you can "set the fuse bits" and "storing Bootloader Program" into your fresh ATtiny85 by performing the "Burn Bootloder" process.
After that the MCU can be installed in the 8-pin socket of the following HW-260 Breakout Board (Fig-1) which is now a colone of Digispark ATtiny85 Dev Board (Fig-2).
Some people in the Foum have reserved the Bootloader Program, the Fuse bit values, the schematic, and the Windows Driver. So, if anyone needs these, he can can get them from Forum Members on request.
Sketch uses 542 bytes (8%) of program storage space. Maximum is 6586 bytes.
Global variables use 6 bytes (1%) of dynamic memory, leaving 506 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 512 bytes.
Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 0xc0000135
Sorry for the delay, I've been busy with other life things.
Above is the error code i get when using the board shown above and the programmer from post7 fig1.
If you´re using the Digispark board, make sure to connect it to a USB 2.0 port, not the modern 3.0 ones. Only connect the board after the IDE tells you to.
I only have 3.0 (blue usb) on this laptop.
But in some research, that shouldn't matter. (unless its a really specific arduino/digispark thing)
This is what i'm currently trying.
connect to nano
install arduino ISP from examples with programmer set to ArduinoISP
switch to basic blink sketch to be loaded on the 85 as a test.
Change programmer to ardunio as ISP
5a) this is loading the blink sketch onto the nano and pin0 (rx) blinks.
5b) attempt to "burn bootloader" with programmer at Ardunio as ISP... below is the error message for that.
avrdude: Expected signature for ATmega328P is 1E 95 0F
Double check chip, or use -F to override this check.
Failed chip erase: uploading error: exit status 1
Unfortunately for me, I've only dealt with actual arduino boards, this is my first time trying to add non-arduino boards to the IDE.
are there any other options as far as boards comparable to the 85 that are more user friendly to the arduino IDE? and available as a dip package?
the 328 dip is a bit obnoxious for the size i'm trying to get to on my PCB.
Ok, so it´s now clear for me that you don´t have a Digispark board and you´re trying to program the Attiny using a Nano as ISP. Regarding your steps:
connect to nano
upload arduino ISP from examples (with programmer set to ArduinoISP--> not yet)
with everything turned off, make the connections between the Nano and the Attiny85. Make sure to add a 10uF capacitor between the Nano reset and GND pins
turn everything on again
now change the programmer to Arduino as ISP
choose the Attiny Board on the IDE and configure it according to the settings you want
click on "burn bootloader" (this step just need to be done once)
switch to whatever sketch to be loaded on the 85 as a test.
don´t use the upload button, use Sketch > Upload Using Programmer instead.
When uploading the test sketch which board do I select?
Nano (upload using Programmer) or the 85 board?
if the 85 board... which 85 board under the tinyCore selections?
Also, do i need to remove the cap after the "burn bootloader" process?
in my other research i came across using the 1Mhz selection. does that matter as well?