ATtiny85 music?

I really want to make a greeting card that plays music. (Well not actual music, Tone library music)
I want the microcontroller to be ATtiny85 because it's easy to work with, it's very small and it takes just 3V.
The only problem is that it doesn't support the Tone library, is there any way around that?

Which core are you using? I believe that Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting. supports Tone.

Sorry about the stupidity, what is a core?
If it helps I have an ATtiny85 and I run it on it's internal 1Mhz crystal.

A core consists of those hardware-dependent files that allow the Arduino IDE to function with certain microcontrollers. By default, the Arduino IDE has a core that supports certain ATmega MCUs. Conveniently, the IDE is expandable to support other MCUs, by installing the required core files.

The link I gave above is just one core that supports some of the ATtiny series. There are also links there to several other cores.

I assumed you had installed an ATtiny core that did not support Tone, but evidently that is not the case. So why do you say the ATtiny85 does not support Tone?

Yeah I already installed the new cores, that's the only way I can program the tiny using the Uno as an ISP.
I say that because I read in some website that the tiny supports only very few commands from what the arduino supports and the Tone is not one of them.
Anyway I will give it a try.

I say that because I read in some website that the tiny supports only very few commands from what the arduino supports and the Tone is not one of them.

That statement can only be made in the context of a specific ATtiny core, of which, as noted, there are several. Support of Tone or any other feature may vary from core to core. However, there are hardware differences as well. For example the ATtiny85 has only two timers, the ATmega328 has three.