doesn't seem to work. Nor does this:
Are they just outdated, and if so can I just revert back to an older version of arduino IDE?
I'm using the latter with v1.0.3, what is the specific problem? ... "doesn't seem to work" is a bit broad.
The entire ATTiny works fine. I can blink an LED. But when I use tone() with a speaker, nothing happens. I'll try it with 1.0.3 now and see if that makes a difference. (I've been using 1.0.1 up until now)
So I re-installed arduino as 1.0.3. Also re-installed the core you used. Built the circuit correctly. Made sure that a normal LED sketch works. (It does.) The tone() still won't work.
The tone() still won't work.
Wanna bet?
Post your code, I'll have a look and/or give it a try.
I doubt it's actually the code, seeing as how it's just a simple test:
void setup() {
void loop() {
tone(3, 2000, 500);
tone(3, 3500, 500);
I'm thinking something is different about the core, but I followed the readme.txt exactly...
Works fine here.
Pin 3 is on the left side of the processor one down from the top. What's connected to it?
The speaker (which I know works) connected to ground.
...with a speaker...
An 8 ohm speaker?
No, it's a buzzer. I think it's called a piezzo buzzer. And I know it works with the tone() function on the arduino.
Hmm. And an LED will blink on the same pin?
Load the blink sketch, blink an LED on pin 3, say 100ms on and 100ms off. Once that is working, add the piezo to the circuit, from pin 3 to ground (through a small resistor, 100 ohms or so is best if you have one.)
What do you hear from the piezo?
A quiet click every 200ms.
The core I'm downloading is called "arduino-tiny-0100-0015" if that makes a difference. (Found it from the second link at the beginning of this post)
Well I thought it should be a click every 100ms but no matter
I think we've ruled out all the hardware. You've re-installed the Arduino IDE v1.0.3 and the current Arduino-tiny core. I'm out of ideas at the moment...
The core I'm downloading is called "arduino-tiny-0100-0015" if that makes a difference. (Found it from the second link at the beginning of this post)
Yep, actually, I had arduino-tiny-0100-0014, so I installed 0100-0015, but no difference.
Well, I'm going to go to bed. Maybe tomorrow I'll think of another variable we can test. If so, I'll post here about it. In the mean time, thanks for all the help.