Audio from Arduino Nano (Toy Tank)

with the tank chassis im using the tracsk themselves make a good ammount of noise when moving

if you are adding lights and other noises it looks to be like a fun project

if i hav a free pin or 2 ill add a few leds, maybe one on the end of the cannon and near the machinegun

Cool, ffejrxx!
Mine will not be motorised, have to pick it up and move by hand.

I've put a couple of pics of work-in-progress on my Facebok page:

Waiting for some parts (AGAIN! Seems like a permanent situation, but I do keep changing the design!).

same here, best of luck with it

OK, I am now trying to set up my SD Card Reader with my Arduino nano.
I am finding a lot of contradictory information and confuzzling info :frowning:

  1. Pins. SCK = Pin 13. MISO = Pin 12. MOSI = Pin 11.
    Where does CS go? I see Pin 10, Pin 9 and Pin 4! Also, is SC the same as SS?

  2. Power. I have 3.3V and 5V connectors on SD Reader. Which should I use, and can I connect to Arduino, or should I use a separate power? SD Reader takes quite a bit of current, I hear (100mA), and I am using 14x10mA on LEDs, so don't want to run too much through the Arduino.
    For testing, I am powering nano by USB, but in Final Build will be 4xAA Batteries.

  3. Signal levels. Can I connect MOSI/MISO/SCK/SS/SC direct to Arduino? I read that SD work on 3.3V logic, so need to convert. I also read that a simple resisto-based voltage divider was not good enough (not accurate).

I then need to #include <SD.h> and <SPI.h>? Thre apear to be other libraries available (SDFAT.h?)

Am I on the right lines?

Yes you are. cd74HC4050 powered at 3.3V for 5V to 3.3V level conversion.
I like to use 74HC125 powered at 5V to buffer MISO coming back in case there are other SPI devices as well, keeps the SD card clamp diodes from holding MISO down.
SD can need hefty 3.3V current if it doesn't have its own regulator. Arduino regulator can supply 150mA, may not be enough.

SDfat library for sure:

CS to SD card from D10, D10 has to be an output for '328P to be SPI master, might as well use it for chip select/slave select.
Other pins can be used, but D10 must be an output whether you use it for slave select to the SD card or not.