Hello all,
I have a question, if i need to use a cap of 1uF, but i have only 10uF laying around. Can i use those?
If so or if not can you maybe also explain why or why not?
thank in advance and have a nice weekend!
Hello all,
I have a question, if i need to use a cap of 1uF, but i have only 10uF laying around. Can i use those?
If so or if not can you maybe also explain why or why not?
thank in advance and have a nice weekend!
If it is in a timing circuit and you don't mind the timing period being extended by a factor of 10, why not ?
It depends what circuit the 1uF capacitor is in and what its purpose is in that circuit. So maybe yes, maybe no.
If it is in a timing circuit and you don't mind the timing period being extended by a factor of 10, why not ?
It depends what circuit the 1uF capacitor is in and what its purpose is in that circuit. So maybe yes, maybe no.Steve
Thanks. So in a small charging circuit or a step-up circuit it does not matter too much, but when building the barebone arduino it is important because of the timing?
It completely depends on what circuit and where in the circuit. So show us which circuit and which capacitor.
No circuit, just thinking ahead. saving some caps from some old board and thought about this. What if i need something i don't have it can i use something with higher rating. So in case this situation arises i'll have to do some research online and if i can't find the answer we'll come back here
thanks all
For coupling and decoupling larger values aren't usually a problem, but anything involving time or
frequency response like an analog filter, the capacitor values will be key.
Hello all,I have a question, if i need to use a cap of 1uF, but i have only 10uF laying around. Can i use those?
If so or if not can you maybe also explain why or why not?
thank in advance and have a nice weekend!
With no more detail provided, the only answer is "who knows?" Some uses are not sensitive to the exact value, others are very sensitive.
It's like resistors. The operation of a pull up resistor is not sensitive to it's exact value, and most applications will work fine with anything between 1k and 1M. But resistors used in the feedback network of an amplification circuit will require specific values and cannot be just changed willy-nilly.
Same with capacitors. Some uses aren't sensitive to the exact value, others are. It's impossible to give a general yes or no to cover all cases.
Caps in series are like resistors in parallel, you could put 10 tens in series and get close to 1 but that would be big and uuuggglllyyy.
10uF across +5/Gnd in place of 1uF would be fine.
when building the barebone arduino it is important because of the timing?
There is no place in the "barebone" arduino where there is a 1uF capacitor whose value is critical.
(I didn't think that there was any 1uF cap at all)
One problem is the capacitor type rather than the value. For decoupling you always need to use the ceramic type to het the high frequency response.