BME280 Voltage regulator 662K / LM6206-3.3 N3


I have a question about how voltage regulator LM6206-3.3 N3 works.

I understood that the voltage regulator will output 3.3V when Vin is as high as 6.5V.

What does the voltage regulator do when the BME280 Vin is connected directly to 3.3V? Is the voltage regulator still active?

Thank you.

What does the voltage regulator do when the BME280 Vin is connected directly to 3.3V? Is the voltage regulator still active?

That depends on the circuit but probably yes, it's still active and it will consume some voltage, so the voltage your sensor gets will be lower than 3.3V (dropout voltage, the datasheet tells you how much that is).