Boarduino: USB or DC version?

Hi, I'm new to this Arduino stuff, having come across the amazing array of projects that use either Arduino or an Arduino-clone as their base, and I'd really like to get into it as well. I do a lot of prototyping various projects on a breadboard, so I'm thinking that a Boarduino would be a good entry to Arduino for me. :-/

I'd like to get the USB version, just because it's cheaper than the DC version (assuming I'd have to buy the USB-to-TTL cable as well). But looking at some of the diagrams/layouts for the Boarduino, I've noticed that the USB version is lacking a VIN pin, and that a 3.3v pin is in it's place. I'm quite new at this, so I'm presuming that the Voltage in pin on the DC version can take the same 7-12 volts as the DC jack, as it goes through the regulator aswell. I'm not intending to be powering it by USB for most of the time, and as such I'd really like to be able to power it by a 9v battery or something similar, without needing much else (unless that isn't possible...). I'm wondering if there is any way to use power other than the 5v I need to input on the USB version.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, and I'm open to suggestions.
Thanks alot for the help! :slight_smile:


Boarduino eh?
pretty cool if you really use that breadboard.
Personally, i would grab a Duemilanove just because its the latest and greatest normal arduino that uses shields. Very well put together.
Plus, you can get a prototyping shield with adds a button and two leds and you can even get a mini breadboard to stick on there too.

Check out the 5th picture.

But, if you like the boarduino, id go with the USB version, purely for programming and prototyping convenience.
You know while its easy to run a plug pack in, USB is so, so easy. Its nice.

Plus, im sure there's no limitation of you being able to power it independently. i think the jumper next to the USB port is for that, but regardless, there will always be a way to power it. You just might need a regulator. still cheaper than a serial converter.

Just my two cents :slight_smile:

Thanks for the advice, and I agree that the Duemilanove is pretty awesome (especially the shields, although from the circuit diagrams I've found that I can make most of the shields work on breadboard-format without much fuss), but nonetheless, the easiness of quickly prototyping on a breadboard is great (and the protoshields breadboard is pretty small). I think that I'm going to go with a USB Boarduino, or possible a Sanguino, after reading quite a lot of good things about them, and since they too would accomplish my breadboard needs.

Although, I'm still not a hundred percent sure, I'll have to think about it a bit more. And the USD-AUD exchange rate as it is at the moment, I'm not sure whether I'd be able to afford a Duemilanove (around $75-85 Aus including shipping).

Thanks again for the advice :slight_smile:

AUD conversion eh?
I know how you feel...

Find someone you know who wants one too.
I got a mate of mine and we bought three from sparkfun.
Ended up costing me about 50 bucks and i couldn't be happier :slight_smile:

Oh how I'd love too.
All my friends are broke (schools just finished over here), since they've been caught up in the Christmas sales and such ::slight_smile:

Oh well. Looks like I'll have to find some new friends who'll buy some *Duinos with me :wink: