bootloader problem with ATmega328P

Hey, I bought a new ATmega328P because i short circuited my old chip due to carelessness. And now, I'm facing problem with uploading the bootloader. I've searched it for quiet a while, but none of them worked. The error I'm always encountering is "avrdude: stk500_getsync() : not in sync: resp=0x00".
I'm using a Arduino Duemilanove. I'm sure I have put the microcontroller on the board correctly. Need some help.
Thank You.

How are you trying to burn the bootloader? Are you using a programmer? Through ISP?

using the breadboard technique on this link

I don't exactly know what a programmer means, I'm new to this stuff.

Have you:

  1. Uploaded the ArduinoISP sketch to the Dualanimallove?
  2. Selected the right target board in the IDE menu?
  3. Selected the right bootloader in the IDE menu?

Hi Dave,
I suggest You try this way It works very well for me with 328p

I agree, that method works great on a Duemilanove. Takes a while to get the software all set up.

When I try to upload the sketch, i get this error: avrdude: stk500_getsync() : not in sync: resp=0x00
Ya I have selected the correct board.
I'm not sure which programmer should i be selecting.

Thank You. i ll try it that way and tell u if it works.

I don't have pin headers near FT232R.. So i dont think i can proceed this way.. and other way?
I tried it this(shown in attachment) way and I'm getting that avrdude error.

boot.bmp (699 KB)

You should be selecting "Arduino as ISP" from the "Programmer" sub-menu of "Tools". For programming a '328P you should select "Arduino UNO" as the board. The "Arduino ISP" sketch in the "Examples" menu should work perfectly - make sure that is loaded on to the Dualanimallove before you start.

Should i press upload after having that setup in my previous message? that is, the ATmega328P is not on the arduino board, but it is on the breadboard

I don't have pin headers near FT232R.. So i dont think i can proceed this way.. and other way?
I tried it this(shown in attachment) way and I'm getting that avrdude error.

Hi Dave,
I had to solder a pin header on solder pad, same as explained on the guide. I think it deserve the work.

I don't have any experience in soldering, I would prefer an other way.

Should i press upload after having that setup in my previous message? that is, the ATmega328P is not on the arduino board, but it is on the breadboard

First set the IDE to the board you are doing the programming with (Duemilanove), then upload the sketch.

Then, set the IDE to the board you want to program (Uno), and use "Burn Bootloader"

You will need a 16MHz crystal and associated capacitors on the breadboard.

majenko, i have only one board i.e. Duemilanove. I am not able to upload the sketch onto the duemilanove as i'm getting the avrdude error message stated above.

Need to get yourself an AVR ISP programmer.
I use this one, works great

There are many others also.

majenko, i have only one board i.e. Duemilanove. I am not able to upload the sketch onto the duemilanove as i'm getting the avrdude error message stated above.

If you disconnect everything, can you upload the sketch?

i short circuited my old chip due to carelessness.
I'm using a Arduino Duemilanove.

The "burn bootloader" process that most people are using and talking about requires a WORKING arduino to act as the "device programmer." You can't just stick a blank 328P in an Arduino board and burn the bootloader; you have to have the blank in a suitable "target" board, and then have something else to be working as the programmer.

Things that can be a "target":

  • Arduino (or compatible) board with blank chip.
  • Protoboard with "minimal" circuitry.
  • Assorted "programmer shields"

Things that can be a "programmer":

  • Working Arduino with ArduinoISP sketch
  • Working Arduino with OptiLoader sketch
  • Commercial chip programmer like USBTINYISP or USBASP.
  • modified FTDI chip in "bitbang" configuration (requires soldering)

It sounds a bit like you have one broken Arduino, one blank replacement chip, and no soldering capability. That's probably not a good place to be...

Find a friend with a soldering iron and put 4 pins in the X3 socket.
Then program a bootloader using the geocities link, plug on 4 jumpers, and program away.
Or, get yourself a dedicated programmer, convince yourself it is a needed tool for future projects!

Here you can see my Duemilanove with the 4 pins sticking up, and the MDFLY programmer connected to the ICSP pins.

On the breadboard is a '1284 chip wired up as a big duemilanove.

I have only one microcontroller. that is the new one. Can I use arduino as ISP now?
If not, my friend has an ATmega8, I can borrow it from him.
What shall i do?