Can I connect two motors with on bts7960 driver please help me. I don’t know I will connect driver to arduino nano . The motor is 775 dc motor 24v and my battery is 12v 7ah lead acid battery
Please explain what you’re building, and provide data links to all the specific parts - motors, drivers, power sources etc.
I am making a multifunctional robot so I am first used l298n but that is heating so I am switched to bts7960 I don’t know I will connect two motors to one bts7960 driver
I don’t have any tutorials for the project the idea is on my mind can you help me
Can I connect two motors to one bts7960 driver
I don’t know the correct power supply
Let’s just assume I have no idea what a bts7960 is..
And we have no idea what motors you’re connecting, so any advice is just wasting your time.
Hi, @ragesh2255
Welcome to the forum.
If you connect two motors to one controller, you will be controlling BOTH motors at the same time, you will not be able to control each motor differently.
Can you please tell us your electronics, programming, arduino, hardware experience?
Thanks.. Tom...
What you mean i dont undurstand i need a stright answer can i connect two motors to bts7960 and i have no code no circuit duagram
24 volt motor, 12 volt battery == No good action.
So if i am use 24v battrey can i connect two motors to one bts7960 driver
Please draw a diagram so we can see what you mean.
Thanks... Tom...
This is the diagram i am using 24v 775 dc motor
If the stall current of your motor is 20A or less then you can connect two motors
How can i find it
Do you have a datasheet for the motors or maybe a link to a webpage?
No. Just google it so i get an paragraph like this
A 775 is typically 300W rated so at 24V full power would be at around 12-15A
There is a pdf found it please check
775-Motor.pdf (1.2 MB)
Me too and that is a problem
When I did a search, I seen some with stall currents of only 10A and some as high as 40A
Do you have an ohmmeter, DMM, multimeter so you can measure the coil resistance?
I have multimeter so how can i measure
Please check the pdf i think that is currect