Just started Building my 16x16x16 ledcube.
i just started creating 3 pcb's to stack on each other.
using 4096 blue led's
34 tpic6b595
256 Resistor 100R
16 Resistor 10k
34 Capacitator 0.1uf ( for the tpic6b595)
1x 1000uf 100uf & 10uf (for the supply line)
The picture is updated tnx to PaulRB
please feel free to ask questions or give this noob some advice.
You are right it’s 90R for a 3.2v led on 5v.
But why would a single led not in a cube use a different resistor.
Supply Voltage in de cube and a single led wil be 5v.
(5v - 3.2)/90= 0.02 is it
And since the maximum output current of the each output of 74HC595 is 35mA, you can't increase it much further. Wouldn't it be better to use 64 pieces of MAX7219? So you will have much less elements and the program for the controlling microcontroller will be much simpler and smaller.
Don't buy cheap LEDs off eBay/Ali Express etc for this cube. Buy LEDs from a well-known electronics supplier who can give you a data sheet that tells you the performance of the LEDs. The data sheet will tell you not just the maximum continuous current, but also the maximum instantaneous current, and the maximum pulse length and duty cycle for that instantaneous current. Design your cube for those limits.
Use shift registers with a higher maximum current than 74hc595, such as tpic6b595.
It's 70mA. But that must be shared across all 8 outputs.
Each max chip would need to drive a column of 64 LEDs, in other words a column of 2x2x16 LEDs. The wiring would be a nightmare and the cube would be incredibly delicate.
But the 74hc595 controles a mosfet on the anode and cathode.
And only one pin of the sr is high at the time.
In my test the current on the 16th led is 19mA
so each sr has only one pin high each time and controls a mosfet (switch).
the 100R is only to light up one led each time there wil never light up 16 leds at once.
the colum has 16 leds with one resistor and eacht led has a diffrent kathodelayer.
i use these parts cause i have them in stock. and dont need to buy them.
It will be easier to construct your cube so that each of the 16 layers is anodes and the 256 columns are cathodes. Then you can use 32x tpic6b595 to drive the columns/cathodes without needing 256 n-channel MOSFETs. You will need only 16 p-channel MOSFETs. You can drive those MOSFETs with another 2x tpic6c595.