I'm building a large Lego train layout and want to make a custom control panel for it. I've looked at the code available for the Lego IR system and am pretty confident I can make the software side work. Here's what I want to have, so I can control 3 trains:
3 Large throttle levers (something similar to these boat throttles) but simpler - I just want a big handle w/ a pot, not anything w/ fancy expensive electronics that I can mount on a box
1 big E-Stop button
3 switches to select train direction between forward and reverse
This will be hooked to a arduino board to convert the inputs to the proper Lego IR signals and blasted out an IR LED.
Any idea where to get the throttle levers? I can't find anything cheap enough - everything I've found from googling has been actual throttle controls. I just want a handle w/ a pot that I can get a signal from.
Any problem using an e-stop button that's designed for big, high powered real equipment? I just want to have it be a simple on/off switch - when it's pulled out, things can run, but when pressed, the "stop" signal gets sent out to all three trains and then nothing else is transmitted till it's pulled out again.