Burning boot loader without Programmer or without other arduino board

Hi all I have made thishttp://arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardSerialSingleSided3 board with Atmega 168 without boot loader. I dont have any other arduino board or isp programmer to burn bootloader. My computer has only usb port I have a usb to serial converter is there any way to modify this parallel programmer hack to burn boot loader? http://arduino.cc/en/Hacking/ParallelProgrammer

if your computer has a parallel port (the one used for printers) you can use that hack and you dont have to change anything , also if your usb to serial converter its based on a FTDI chip you can use the bitbang method some resource
http://www.geocities.jp/arduino_diecimila/bootloader/index_en.html this uses an arduino board there are a lot of useful information on that page

else you could get a cheap programmer from ebay they are really cheap only 5$ with free shipping

You'll need to download 'giveio' from 'MIT's Microcomputer Project Laboratory' (thanks Jim!) and run the enclosed ginstall.bat file.

See the 'bootloader' page for details on using your new parallel port programmer to burn the bootloader onto the Arduino board. "

Sure looks like you can, with some other software you need to download & setup first.

Will this programmer be able to upload bootloader?AVR STK Serial Port Dongle Programmer - PGM-00014 - SparkFun Electronics http://www.olimex.com/dev/images/avr-pg1b-sch.gifhttp://microembeded.blogspot.com/2011/04/avr-serial-port-programmer.html

this is with 2$ more but i think i will be better since its not using a serial port http://www.sparkfun.com/products/9825 also its based on a firmware that opensource and there is a lot of documentation

I had selected pervious programmer because it was having just resistors and diodes and easy to make. I dont want buy programmer because once I bootload my 168 I can use my board as programmer!

i used to use my arduino as an programmer but after i finished building my usbasp programmer never used arduino again for that job
it is ok if you want to build the programmer but does your computer has a serial port cause it will not work with an usb to serial converter

No I dont have serial port but lets see what happnes! And in my college we have pcs with serial ports!