Burning bootloader problem ,,,.sefq

SO i am trying to burn the bootloader from a uno to anather uno obviously arduino uno. and i am getting this erroe mesage Arduino: 1.8.13 (Windows 10), Board: "Arduino Uno"

avrdude: Yikes! Invalid device signature.

     Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override

     this check.

Error while burning bootloader.

This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
option enabled in File -> Preferences.
can anyone help please

P.S - i have got the starndard setup as told in youtube videos

Please describe EXACTLY what pin is connected to what between the UNOs, also describe the process YOU used to try toupload the bootloader. Don't say 'I followed a video on youtube'. We want to know what YOU did.

Photos of how things are wired may be helpful.

yeah sorry i have connected the pin 13,12,11 of the working arduino to the 13 12 11 of the not working one. the 10 of the working to the reset pin of the not working and the 5v and gnd to 5v and gnd .

yeah i have connected the pin 13,12,11 of the working arduino to the 13 12 11 of the not working one. the 10 of the working to the reset pin of the not working and the 5v and gnd to 5v and gnd .

Are you sure that the target chip is an ATmega328P (the P is important). If you are not watching closely you can buy an ATmega328 (no P) chip and you will get that error message if you try to bootload as an Uno.

Please describe the process.

Are you using the ArduinoISP example program in the programmer Uno?

Is Uno selected as the board in the Tools, Boards menu?

yeah p on both of them
first upload the arduinoisp code into to working one and then attach the wires and then change to arduino as isp and then burn bootloader

OK - Now can you post the FULL output error please.

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