? can i power to usb port of Board from battery

i made this digram to ask , if i join 4 battery 3.7v (3000mah).
if my project not response well by giving power on 5v pin .usb connected ,it is doing well work. can i use this circuit to power all things

is there any risk to module and board ?????

This circuit would damage the cells and could cause fire or even explosion.

No surprise there, as you are not supplying 5V, nor will you if you provide the same low voltage via the USB socket

What to do if ESP32 not working on giving battery postive to 5v pin of esp32 . I tried this 3.7v x4 battery connect to 5v pin of esp32 ?? As there is no vin pin on ESP 32.How to attach battery to this circuit ??

That won't work because 3.7V is too low for the onboard voltage regulator to turn it into 3.3V for the ESP32.

Use a buck-boost converter that makes 3.3V from whatever input you give it.

Is it this One
If yes, after set it to 5v , should I connect output of this module usb Jack of esp32 ???

No. That's a step-down converter that will make e.g. 3.3V out of 5V. What you need is something that will take the rather variable voltage of your battery that drifts roughly around 3.7V to a stable 3.3V for your controller board, and that will keep doing this even as your battery voltage drifts downward as it dischargers. The LM2596 is not suitable for this.

What one is , what type of , for example you suggest me ?

Select any with the specs you like.
There are similar products on a variety of online marketplaces, including AliExpress.

Thank you, , could you please take a look on my Trouble
Thank you,,,

Never, Never put batteries in parallel!

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Thank you, if in series and use DC to dc converter???

Yes. You need a buck converter with an input that goes up to 17V and an output of 5V

Is this wrong circuit
Diy power bank

That guy does post a lot of junk on the internet.
It is dangerous, especially if you try to charge the batteries.

Thank you...

Why don't you buy a cheap power bank. It might be cheaper than buying separate batteries, battery holder and a charger.