I'm new to the MKR1000.
- I've set pinMode(9,INPUT), but for some reason it's reading HIGH even though I don't have anything attached to it. That confuses me. I've also tried pinMode(9,INPUT_PULLUP).
Is it possible that Pin 9 is reading high because it's the SCK pin? I'm not using MOSI/SCK/MISO at all in my software. But do I need to disable MOSI/SCK/MISO off in the software to use D8, D9, and D10 as normal digital pins? (I assumed they were normal digital pins unless I started using them for MOSI/SCK/MISO in the software)
Likewise, can I use D11 and D12 as normal digital pins (assuming I don't use them for SDA/SCL in my code)?
And, same sort of question, can I use A0 as a normal analog pin, or can it only be used for DAC0?
Thank you for your help in getting me more familiar with the MKR1000.