I found a mc68hc908jl3e chip in a UPS, It's a microcontroller made by motorola.
So what I ask is, Has anybody had any sucsess with these chips and or can they be used or reprogrammed?
I found a mc68hc908jl3e chip in a UPS, It's a microcontroller made by motorola.
So what I ask is, Has anybody had any sucsess with these chips and or can they be used or reprogrammed?
have you looked at the datasheet?
Ive not used moto chips yet but they are a popular option, altho I am not aware of a noobie friendly setup for them except possibly stickOS basic (which also runs quite lovely on my pic32)
as far as that exact model (which wont run the fore mentioned stickOS) you will have to dig tru the datasheet to find out if its a reprogrammable device or a worm
If it came out of something consumer driven, and not intended for firmware updates then chances are its not going to be re-programed
Yes i have, and i am unable to determine weather it is or not.
Would be at all possible to get the arduino bootloader on there? And the language I'd prefer to program it is in a C based one, BTW.
totally different architectures, you would have to port it
(and after a while it doesnt really matter what language it is)
I see. Though, Is it reprogrammable?
Is it reprogrammable?
Yes. The "9" in 68hc908 implies flash...
Oh, Good. Now, Any pointers on how it can be programmed? What software I may need to program it?
like atmel, and microchip, its going to have its own little suite, after that its probably ICSP like any other mcu without a bootloader on it
Would be at all possible to get the arduino bootloader on there?
I've seen posts from people who have shoehorned the Arduino environment into chips like the ATTiny2313, so the answer is "probably". But it'd be an extremely constrained Arduino environment because of its limited resources. Better to use it for what it is, rather than try to make it into a poor imitation of a "real" Arduino: it'd make a nice little I/O expander for some project where you need more A/D or digital pins.
It already has a built-in bootloader that looks similar to the "Buffalo" monitor Moto did for the 68HC11 family. And it looks like it's supported by SDCC. You should find many examples on the web of projects people have done with the 68HC08 family that you can use to adapt and/or learn from.
Ok, So How could I write my compiled code to it? Will I need extra special hardware to do it? Or can it be done using the parallel/serial port?
Or, Is there an example or tutorial i could follow?
I'd like to make it an i/o extender. How many I/O (equivalent) pins are available?
As this is an Arduino forum based on the Amtel AVR series processors, I don't think you will get much energy from members doing research for you. Perhaps you can start here:
Motorola "spun out" their microprocessors to "freescale", their other semiconductors to "On Semi", and decided to be a consumer electronics (cellphones, mostly) manufacturer. Sigh.
Typically one loads code into freescale MCUs by tying some pin to mean "start bootloader", using a particular crystal frequency, and then sending commands to it at a particular bitrate using a particular program. All very similar (logically speaking) to the way the Arduino bootload process works, but ... different. Much of the SW needed can be downloaded from Freescale for free (including limited versions of their development environment, which is "not bad.")
This particular chip is "not recommended for new designs." All in all you'd be better off hitting up freescale for free samples of one of their more recent cpu chips, or buying one of their development systems. The $50 "JMBADGE" system is pretty neat...