Cannot pass AT commands to shield

I am having no success trying to send AT commands to the modem and reading them in the serial monitor. I've borrowed from a number of different sketches I found online but none have worked. This is my latest attempt:

#include "Serial.h"

UART myUART0(PA_0,  PI_9,  NC, NC); //TX, RX, RTS, CTC  NOTE: NC means not connected
UART myUART1(PA_9,  PA_10, NC, NC);
UART myUART2(PG_14, PG_9,  NC, NC);
UART myUART3(PJ_8,  PJ_9,  NC, NC);

void setup(){

void loop(){

I've tried different combinations of myUART"x" and myUART"y" but no matter what I try, I get nothing from the serial monitor. I cannot even get an echo to come back when I enter a command - so If I try "AT" + ENTER with new line and carriage return both selected, nothing shows up in the serial monitor, not even "AT".

Can anyone help a newb whose in way over his head?

You have posted the same question in Not able to send AT commands using Portenta H7 CatM1/NB IoT GNSS shield which was closed.

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