I cant upload blink to my arduino? It says analizing sketch and then moves to uploading but thats where it stops.....any suggestions
The Arduino IDE will show "compiling sketch... done compiling" unless the compiler finds errors, and before "uploading sketch... done uploading" unless uploading has errors, but the IDE does not display "analyzing sketch" (my version, downloaded from arduino.cc. If you click "help" >> "about" you should see your compiler name.
Please show the error message in the forum using the code tags
I have never seen that message. Which version of the IDE are you using?
Which operating system?
Is your board properly recognised?
Did you select the correct port?
What is the TTL-to-USB converter on your Mega (it's the chip closest to the USB port).?
Did it work in the past?
If you have other Arduino boards (e.g. Uno), can you upload to them?
It says the following now
Avrdude: cant open config file "c:\mariska nel\app data\local\arduino15\packages\arduino|tools\avrdude\6.3.0-avrdude.conf" : no such file or directory
Avrdude: error reading system wide configuration file c:\users\mariska nel\appdatadata\local\arduino15\packages\arduino|tools\avrdude\6.3.0-arduino17/etc/evrdude.conf
Failed uploading: exit status1
Looks like you have an Arduino IDE incorrect installed.
This is at least three errors in the two paths. Did you make a mistake while typing it? You know that you can copy text from the output window of the IDE and paste it here?
Do you have the file avrdude.conf in c:\users\mariska nel\appdata\local\arduino15\packages\arduino|tools\avrdude\6.3.0-arduino17/etc/
. If not, you have a corrupt installation of the IDE. In which case I suggest that you downgrade the boards package using the board manager and next upgrade to the current version again.
Can you answer the other questions, please?
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