Can anyone tell me how to make my linux version of arduino discover the library files I have added to it from the library folder which I have copied from my windows version.
I have created a folder with my sketch files and added the library folder. When I try and compile a sketch it cannot find the library.
What is the path to your Sketchbook folder as specified in the IDE Preferences dialogue ?
Is that where you have copied your sketch and libraries folders to ?
The path is /home/xxx/Desktop
I have the sketches in a folder /Arduino on the desktop which is /home/xxx/Desktop/Arduino and
the library files are /home/xxx/Desktop/Arduino/libraries
The Sketchbook folder in Preferences needs to match the actual location of the sketches
You can also change the <> to "" and add the exact path to it. If it is in the sketch folder no path is needed. This is the way I have been doing it for a few years.
Thanks, I have changed the sketchbook preference directory and it works now.
I don't understand what is meant by changing <> to ""
If you use < > round the name of the file to be #included then the compiler looks for it in the libraries folder of the Sketchbook folder then in the board specific libraries folder then in the IDE libraries folder. (I may have those in the wrong order)
If you use " " round the filename then you can specify an absolute location of your choice for the file
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