After i did an upgrade of OpenWrt-Yun image i got blank page when i'm trying to connect to the Yún's web panel page.
I tried couple of times to run reset-to-factory-anyway command (the wlan led blinks without stop) but nothing happened.
I decide to re-flash the OpenWrt-Yun image (, and i have a question about entering the IP address for the Yún.
Do i need just to pick up some ip address for the Yún? for instance:
The Yún need to be connected to internet while re-flashing?
The IP address of the Yun must be on the same subnetwork of your computer. So if your computer's IP is your Yun IP must be 192.168.1.x.
When you assign the IP to your Yun, be sure that no other device has the same IP.
The Yun does not need to be connected to the internet but only to your local network.
I connected my laptop and yun via Ethernet. (my laptop ip: 10.0.05 and the yun ip:
After completing the 3 steps of reflashing, it's steel didn't work.... :\
So i deleted the index.html file from /www/ path and reflash the yun again.
Steel nothing happened...the reflash didn't copy the index.html to /www/ path.
All 3 steps of reflashing was very quick! (the copy of the files was very quick, first step took about a second, second step toolk about 3 seconds and the 3rd step took about 5 seconds).
FYI: i expanded the Yún disk space before the upgrading of yun image.
The extroot documentation from OpenWRT has warnings how upgrading the system after expanding the disk space can cause problems. See the Notes section of this page: [OpenWrt Wiki] Extroot configuration
This may or may not be your problem. What happens if you boot without the expanded SD card in place? If it boots properly, you may need to run the disk expander again. (Or at least the part that copies the system files to the SD card?)
I tried to boot without the expanded SD card in place -> not working :\
The notes That i found:
implemented! Since that the following applies:
A potentially broken overlay is mounted on /tmp/overlay-disabled instead of as rootfs, to give you a chance to fix it before mounting the extroot as the rootfs. That means you can safely flash the kernel with e.g. sysupgrade imagename.bin and not end up with a brick.
Instead the system will have mounted from the SquashFS/JFFS2 instead of the extroot.
In case of a md5sum-mismatch you should:
make a copy of any data you want to keep from the extroot
1recreate the extroot
1copy back your data back to recreated extroot
remove the md5sums (/.extroot.md5sum and /etc/extroot.md5sum). As of 5. trunk r26312 you can achieve the md5sum removal with
/etc/init.d/fstab overlay_enable
make sure your /etc/config/fstab (located on the JFFS2) is correct
Do i need to run the "/etc/init.d/fstab overlay_enable" command in U-Boot?
I'm sorry, I don't have enough Linux experience to tell you how to recover from this. I just noticed the potential issue that the upgrade might have caused. I hope someone with more experience will be along to help.
I connected my laptop and yun via Ethernet. (my laptop ip: 10.0.05 and the yun ip:
All 3 steps of reflashing was very quick! (the copy of the files was very quick, first step took about a second, second step toolk about 3 seconds and the 3rd step took about 5 seconds).
What images have you reflashed? Kernel, root-fs or both?