Can't see HEX in serial

I followed instructions from youtube and I compiled it and when I pressed the button...
NOTHING HAPPENED!!! ... I have to use the web editor which has almost NO information for it. I also have the arduino uno r3 which is not supported by Iot cloud.

You have Arduino R3 -- it is fine.

Do you have a PC running under Windows operating system?

If you are really interested in playing with Arduino Stuff, I would suggest that you procure a Windows based PC as (I think) most of the users of the Forum have such PCs.

So I think you need a local installation of Arduino IDE on some PC or Mac

Start with a simple example like below to check if you can see data in your serial monitor.

void setup()
  Serial.println("hello world");

void loop()

If the above works, post your sketch using code tags (the <CODE/> button) as described in How to get the best out of this forum.

Sorry, I don't know much about this.

Sorry for me complaining about me not having the IDE

I bet @pert could help. From what I see in other forums, he/she is really good at helping.

Is there a local computer repair shop near you? Maybe ask them if they have an old PC they could give you. Don't forget you will need a keyboard, mouse and monitor. Take an adult with you.

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Hi @cool_cat3275.

Please provide a detailed description of which button you pressed.

I pressed the power button on the remote that came with it:

Did you upload the sketch code from the video tutorial to your UNO R3 board?

You can see the code I am talking about at this point in the video:

From a quick scan of the video They don't seem to provide the code in text form so I guess you are expected to write the code yourself while following the video.

Yes I did

Did you open the Arduino Cloud Editor's Serial Monitor?

The sketch prints the hex code to the board's serial port, so you should see it in Serial Monitor. Note that Serial Monitor is different from the "Console" panel of Arduino Cloud Editor where you see the output from the compilation and upload process. The sketch does not print the hex code to the Console panel.