Recently I purchased a set of capacitive sensors for my project, received them today and ran their sample code provided, but am not getting any output at the 'serial window' when the sensors are been toggled by my fingers. Sensors and program are in the following link and please advice if anything is wrong with the code or possible reason that could have caused no output from breakout board (MPR121) to Arduino Uno.
Broken link for me. Can't access.
His link, Capacitive_Touch_Kit_For_Arduino_SKU_DFR0129_-DFRobot
Which one are you doing? No code, no help, otherwise were just guessing.
Hi HazardsMind,
Thanks for replying to my post, I tried the code that they suggest at the webpage for the keypad.
MPR121 WhellPad Example Code
by:Waiman Zhao
created on: 11/2/14
license: CC-SA 3.0
Hardware: 3.3V Arduino Pro Mini
SDA -> A4
SCL -> A5
IRQ -> D2
#include <Wire.h>
#include <mpr121.h>
int key = 0;
// ========= setup =========
void setup()
// initialize function
// ========= loop =========
void loop()
if (key==11)
{ Serial.print("key:");
else if(key==12)
else if(key>0){
It doesnt have any output at the serial window after I added the library and flashed the Uno. I am a novice in Arduino, I am not sure whether do I need any additional code for it to have an output at the serial window. Please advice
Does the serial output show the word START?
Did you by any chance set the baud rate in the actual serial monitor screen? In the bottom right corner, the default is 9600. <-- my output. only one logo after initialised, and nothing i do will add anything else to the output.
Anything I need to do other than the codes above? basically I connected the boards up as shown in the seller's page and uses their code to flash. Not sure whether i missed out anything.
Greatly appreciate the help given.
Your baud rate in the serial monitor says 300 baud, that is wrong! It should be 19200, not 300.
Anything I need to do other than the codes above? basically I connected the boards up as shown in the seller's page and uses their code to flash. Not sure whether i missed out anything.
Greatly appreciate the help given.
Follow HazardsMind's reply and set correct baud rate.
Hi guys, I tried different baud rate, it shows "START", but still doesnt get any output from the sensors.
Ok, great, you got START. Now do a serial print of just "key" and see what values you get for each number pressed.
Thanks for suggestion. I tried the following, not sure if it's what u meant. None of the keys give an output to the serial window still.
It should be outputting atleast "key" try just Serial.println(key); right after key=CapaTouch.keyPad();
Ok then check your wiring. Your getting something now, but its not what you want, so check your wiring for errors.
Are you using Arduino UNO or Arduino MEGA or some other arduinos?
Pretty sure the wiring are fine. Maybe I will post a photo of it when I get back.
I am using UNO.
Maybe I will post a photo of it when I get back.
Not maybe, please post photos.
Yep, of course. I will post once I get back home after school.