Currently, I have an issue, that I have looked into a lot.
I have 4 8x8 Led Max7219 Matrices daisy chained with Female to Female Wired, (All wired correctly I have checked with an Example from Parola)
I want each 8x8 Matrix to display a different symbol statically from the next.
Currently I want each matrix to display one LED each. - Is this something better to do with the MD-Max7219XX library?
#include <LedControl.h>
// Matrix Control Pins
#define CLK 13
#define DIN 11
#define CS 10
// LedControl instances - Only 3 now
LedControl lc1 = LedControl(DIN, CLK, CS, 0);
LedControl lc2 = LedControl(DIN, CLK, CS, 1);
LedControl lc3 = LedControl(DIN, CLK, CS, 2);
LedControl lc4 = LedControl(DIN, CLK, CS, 3);
void setup() {
// Initialize matrices (adjusting intensity as needed)
lc1.shutdown(0, false); lc1.setIntensity(0, 3); lc1.clearDisplay(0);
lc2.shutdown(0, false); lc2.setIntensity(0, 3); lc2.clearDisplay(0);
lc3.shutdown(0, false); lc3.setIntensity(0, 3); lc3.clearDisplay(0);
lc4.shutdown(0, false); lc4.setIntensity(0, 3); lc4.clearDisplay(0);
void loop() {
lc1.setLed(0, 3, 3, true); // Light a single LED
lc2.setLed(0, 3, 3, true); // Light a single LED
lc3.setLed(0, 3, 3, true); // Light a single LED
lc4.setLed(0, 3, 3, true); // Light a single LED