Classroom noise traffic light

Im trying to build an arduino based noise traffic light for classrooms

green=low noise
yellow=moderate noise
red=high noise- a buzzer turns on when it is red

im using an rgb led and a sound sensor
My rgb led wont light up and my sound sensor doesn't seem to work

Here is my code:

// Pins for RGB LED
const int redPin = 9;    // Red pin of the RGB LED
const int greenPin = 10; // Green pin of the RGB LED
const int bluePin = 11;  // Blue pin of the RGB LED

// Sound sensor pins
const int analogPin = A0; // Analog output of the sound sensor
const int digitalPin = 2; // Digital output of the sound sensor (optional)

// Buzzer pin
const int buzzerPin = 3;  // Pin connected to the buzzer

// Noise thresholds (tune these values based on your environment)
const int greenThreshold = 30; // Low noise level
const int yellowThreshold = 35; // Moderate noise level
const int redThreshold = 40; // High noise level

void setup() {
  pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(greenPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(bluePin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(digitalPin, INPUT); // Optional: Use digital output to detect peaks
  Serial.begin(9600); // For debugging

void loop() {
  // Read sound levels from the analog pin
  int soundLevel = analogRead(analogPin);

  // Debugging: Print sound level to Serial Monitor

  // Set RGB LED color based on sound level
  if (soundLevel < greenThreshold) {
    setColor(0, 30, 0); // Green for acceptable noise
    digitalWrite (greenPin, HIGH);
    noTone(buzzerPin);   // Turn off buzzer
  } else if (soundLevel < yellowThreshold) {
    setColor(35, 35, 0); // Yellow for moderate noise
    noTone(buzzerPin);     // Turn off buzzer
  } else if (soundLevel >= redThreshold) {
    setColor(40, 0, 0); // Red for high noise
    tone(buzzerPin, 1000); // Turn on buzzer (1kHz tone)


// Function to set the RGB LED color
void setColor(int red, int green, int blue) {
  analogWrite(redPin, red);
  analogWrite(greenPin, green);
  analogWrite(bluePin, blue);
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Can you provide a wiring diagram and a little more about the components that you are using? Also, your code should be in code tags. You can easily edit the original post to fix that.

In the IDE click on Edit then Copy For Forum, that will copy your code. Then come here and just do a paste.
A plain copy and paste does not work right.

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RGBLEDs have a "common" pin, which can be "common cathode" or "common anode"... determine this polarity of your RGBLED is using GROUND, a 500 ohm resistor, and VCC.

What makes you think that? Please read and follow the instructions in the "How to get the best out of this forum" post.

Please post a link to the website where you found that code, and check that the wiring agrees with the suggested wiring.

It will not matter if tou get the sound sensor to work because the project as a whole will not work.

How do I know? Well there has been a couple of dozens of this sort of project and none have been successful. It turns out that a simple volume based sensors do not respond to what is perceived.

Maybe you will be lucky?

Hi! Welcome to the Forum.

Not exactly the same gear you have, but take a look at This topic. Post #60 can give you some ideas.

You forgot to mention which sound module you have. If you have a cheap one without pre-amp then the returned sound levels are very low. And it likely has some bias voltage. And you have to sample sound for a period of time. Just taking a snapshot with analogRead won't work.

Try this sketch, and see which values you get. Only use the analogue out of your module and connect it to A0. I tested it with a bare mic capsule and a 6k8 pull up resistor, because I didn't have a mic module. Got 1-2 making loud noises, and 3-10 with very loud noises.

void setup() {

void loop() {
  int negativePeak = 1023, positivePeak = 0; // reset
  unsigned long prevMillis = millis(); // mark start
  while(millis() - prevMillis < 1000){ // measure for one second
  int rawValue = analogRead(A0);
  if (rawValue > positivePeak) positivePeak = rawValue;
  if (rawValue < negativePeak) negativePeak = rawValue;
  int level = positivePeak - negativePeak;

Edit: Not happy with the sensitivity, so I changed the mic's pull up resistor, powered from the cleaner 3.3volt pin, to a value so the mic capsule's bias voltage dropped below 1volt.
22k got me to ~0.75volt.
OP can do the same by adjusting the pot on the mic module to 0.75volt on A0.
Again, assuming a cheap one, with a blue pot.

That change enabled me to use 1.1volt Aref, with a higher sensitivity.
Now speaking normal got me peak A/D values of about 10, and loud noises in the hundreds.
The updated code for that:

void setup() {

void loop() {
  int negativePeak = 1023, positivePeak = 0; // reset
  unsigned long prevMillis = millis(); // mark start
  while(millis() - prevMillis < 250){ // measuring time
  int rawValue = analogRead(A0);
  if (rawValue > positivePeak) positivePeak = rawValue;
  if (rawValue < negativePeak) negativePeak = rawValue;
  int level = positivePeak - negativePeak;

Sound level print with a healthy dose of Breaking Benjamin at 8m distance :slight_smile:

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I now removed the rgb led and used normal leds instead, how ever it still wont light up

// Pins for LEDs
const int redLED = 9;    // Red LED pin
const int yellowLED = 10; // Yellow LED pin
const int greenLED = 11;  // Green LED pin

// Pin for buzzer
const int buzzer = 12;    // Buzzer pin

// Pin for sound sensor
const int analogPin = A0; // Analog output of the sound sensor

// Noise thresholds (adjust based on your environment)
const int greenThreshold = 300; // Low noise level
const int yellowThreshold = 500; // Moderate noise level
const int redThreshold = 700; // High noise level

void setup() {
  // Set LED pins as OUTPUT
  pinMode(redLED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(yellowLED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(greenLED, OUTPUT);

  // Set buzzer pin as OUTPUT
  pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);

  Serial.begin(9600); // For debugging

void loop() {
  // Read the sound level from the sound sensor
  int soundLevel = analogRead(analogPin);

  // Debugging: Print sound level to Serial Monitor

  // Control LEDs and buzzer based on sound level
  if (soundLevel < greenThreshold) {
    // Low noise: Green LED ON, others OFF
    digitalWrite(greenLED, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(yellowLED, LOW);
    digitalWrite(redLED, LOW);
    digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW); // Buzzer OFF
  } else if (soundLevel < yellowThreshold) {
    // Moderate noise: Yellow LED ON, others OFF
    digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW);
    digitalWrite(yellowLED, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(redLED, LOW);
    digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW); // Buzzer OFF
  } else {
    // High noise: Red LED ON, others OFF, Buzzer ON
    digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW);
    digitalWrite(yellowLED, LOW);
    digitalWrite(redLED, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH); // Buzzer ON

  delay(100); // Small delay for stability

And what does this print statement return?

nothing seems to show up on my serial monitor

Have you opened the correct serial monitor, check in the menu Tools->Port, and pick the one for your Arduino. What Arduino is it by the way?

Also check it is set to 9600 baud.

arduino uno

And the other things I asked?

its now working

but my buzzer wont turn on

OK, so no green light then.

It sounds like a hardware or wiring fault. Have you got the LEDs the correct way round? Is there a series resistor for each LED? If so what value are you using?

Yes the leds are in the correct position and i'm using a 220 ohm resistor
only the red led is functioning but it keeps blinking
I also adjusted the threshold

// Noise thresholds (adjust based on your environment)
const int greenThreshold = 5; // Low noise level
const int yellowThreshold = 10; // Moderate noise level
const int redThreshold = 15; // High noise level

There are two types of buzzer, active and passive.
An active buzzer will make a sound when you just connect a voltage, to test if you have one of these simply connect the buzzer between 5V and ground and it will make a sound.

If all you here is a click then it is a passive buzzer and in order for it to make a noise it needs driving with a rapid on/off voltage from one of the pins. This is best done by using the tone library. Note that the sound of the buzzer will be picked up by your microphone and so might not be able to turn the tone off if the low sound level is reached.

Anyway with a passive buzzer make sure the tone is turned off in the low sound state.

the buzzer still wont function, and the red led keeps blinking. None of the other leds are functioning