cnc hot wire cutting foam machine help

I need code for this 3 stepper motor

1st stepper motor for x axis
2nd stepper motor for y axis
3rd stepper motor for z axis

please ASAP

and please check my circuit if every thing is okay or not

thank you so much

If you want someone to write code for you just post in the gigs and collaborations section where they will advise regarding their fee. Otherwise post what you have managed to do with your extensive online research and where you think you are having problems. Use code tags and it is preferable to read the guide to using the forum at the top of every section for best chance of a helpful response.

OP's picture:

Modern steppers are usually low-impedance which cannot be driven from L293D or L298 drivers
as they are not current mode.

DRV8825 modules are typically used. Power supply voltage usually 12 or 24V.

9V batteries are totally unsuitable for any motor, note.

The GRBL project is a GCODE interpreter for the Arduino, this might be the place to start
as this provides a higher level abstraction for CNC work.

There are multiple projects where people have done this before, with plenty of examples of code. You would probably be better off using a Mega with a Ramps board, readily available and lots of tested software to get you started.

You will never be able to drive three stepper motors off the type of 9V battery shown in your diagram, especially for the length of time needed to cut anything with a hot wire cutter. You also need some switches (mechanical or optical beam-break detectors) to detect the home position of the stepper motors.

my dr need it on tinker cad any one can help to write a code please

Help means you start and others assist where you go wrong not that others just write it all for you.

Google "hot wire grbl" to get some information on using the grbl g code sender firmware for controlling steppers for foam cutting.