This post is related(is a follow-up of) to: Jerk Sensor? - Frequently-Asked Questions - Arduino Forum
Hello Arduino Explorers,
Some of you guys may have already seen my earlier(first) post(Suggesstions For An Innovative Science Project - Project Guidance - Arduino Forum) and many may also have been utter fed up after that post but I sincerely apologize.
Finally I have found a proper topic for my school project. A "Driver Sleep Detection System" using an arduino mini, a 9V battery, a piezzo buzzer and an accelerometer, quite a simple setup...(I hope!)
So you might be wondering, why I am here...
As I am a beginner, I know nothing of code. Absolute nothing. So I am shamefully asking the generous volunteers of this forum to please give me the code (hope its just a few lines) for my project.
I am not a lazy noob, its just that I don't have time to study the arduino code library and then do trial and error.
So Please Please Help Me Out One Last Time. I don't want to trouble anybody, I am just requesting an experienced coder to just help me out if he's free for an hour.
The setup is such that it would be worn by the driver on his/her head especially at night time. The arduino has to be configured such that it will trigger a beep alarm when it senses jerky moments(that's when the driver is drousy and is about to sleep) and the alarm will alert the driver as well as the other passengers aboard. There should be a tweak-able parameter to change the sensitivity of the accelerometer as well as an option to change the beepers beeping.
I would be happier if I would get a brief description of the wiring of a piezzo buzzer and the accelerometer.
Suggestions for any extra equipment such as LEDs would be highly encouraged.
Hope I will be able to finish this project within a few days.
Thanks in Advance.
Prashanth J.K.