Code not Uploadin to Nano

I am trying to upload the simple blinking code to the nano, but it is giving error, The error is
"Arduino: 1.8.19 (Linux), Board: "Arduino Nano 33 BLE"

Archiving built core (caching) in: /tmp/arduino_cache_56007/core/core_arduino_mbed_nano_nano33ble_d8ae23dc93bdcfe26761588451d72340.a
Sketch uses 84896 bytes (8%) of program storage space. Maximum is 983040 bytes.
Global variables use 43968 bytes (16%) of dynamic memory, leaving 218176 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 262144 bytes.
An error occurred while uploading the sketch
No device found on ttyUSB0"

the code says

and you posted in the Classic Nano category.

which board do you really have?

I have Arduino Nano board.

And this is a Nano 33 ble

So it looks like you have selected the wrong board...

then you picked the wrong target boards in the IDE - it's not "Arduino Nano 33 BLE"

Yaa, Thank You, I got it.
Thanks for helping

Yaa, Thanks

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