Coding of bionic hand and emg sensors

It's my first time working with Arduino, it's also my first time posting here, i have been working on a bionic hand that takes the signals from an EMG sensor placed on my arm to actuate 6 servo motors. each servo is connected to a dependent finger, the 6th servo actuates the wrist. I managed to contract and relax all the fingers at once using a code that i came a cross on Github, my question is: Is it possible to actuate each finger separately using only one EMG and 3 electrodes?

if that's possible, could you guide me where i could find a "ready to go" code that does not need lots of modifications?

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Only if you have the wiring correct.

Can you please elaborate what you meant by wiring correct

Same problem please anu solution I can’t found the wiring correct :face_holding_back_tears:

With single EMG channel like you have, you can't extract data about multiple fingers. Roughly speaking, you need one EMG channel per finger - with smart enough processing, you can extract 5 fingers states out of 4 EMG channels, but not more. You can check what I was able to get out of 3 channels: Robotic Hand Control Using EMG - - that's near the limit, I've experimented more, with new sensor versions, with much more complex processing - and the best I could get out of 3 channels it's 4 finger sates.

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