CompactRIO and Arduino

Hello all! I was looking on the National Instruments website today and I came across this thing called the CompactRIO. I was looking at the modules for it and it had a ZigBee module for it. I also know that the Arduino has an XBee sheild which uses a ZigBee wireless module. So I was wondering if someone was able to theoretically make the Arduino and CompactRIO talk to each other? Like say I had an arduino that had all sorts of sensors on it collecting data and would I be able to get the Arduino to send that data to the CompactRIO through a ZigBee mesh network?

So do any of you think it would work on the hardware side? Or are the ZigBee chips inside different from one another?

The compatibility in the Zigbee standard is like the one in the Bluetooth

This means that some manufacturers will interoperate directly and others wont

Unfortunately it is hard to say if they will talk to each other. In theory they should, but the world is not made of theories.


Thanks for the answer David