xbee shield

Hi all,

I am interested in starting a dialog regarding using the XBee with the Arduino diecimila board, including programming Arduino boards wirelessly.

I have tons of questions and maybe as many answers ( to different questions, of course ). I'm just posting this to get an idea if this is a good venue for the discussion. Please respond if you are working on the same stuff.



i've just purchased 2 XBee shields with the arduino boards and i was wondering if i could get some help with it. I am not being able to get the arduino's to talk to each other through the XBees. Please let me know if you've used this.


Can you post pictures of the setup? jumper (XBee/USB) position?


Have you successfully changed any AT commands on the XBees yet or are they in their default state?
If in their default state, they should automatically create a 'wireless' serial connection between the two Arduino boards.
What sorts of problems are you running into?
