FQBN: esp32:esp32:esp32
Using board 'esp32' from platform in folder: C:\Users\ganesh\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\1.0.6
Using core 'esp32' from platform in folder: C:\Users\ganesh\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\1.0.6
loading library from d:\Arduino\libraries\ArduCAM_ESP32S_UNO_PSRAM-master: invalid library: no header files found
loading library from d:\Arduino\libraries\CP210x_Universal_Windows_Driver: invalid library: no header files found
loading library from d:\Arduino\libraries\arduino-libraries-master: invalid library: no header files found
cmd /c if exist "D:\Arduino\esp32_ipaddress\partitions.csv" copy /y "D:\Arduino\esp32_ipaddress\partitions.csv" "C:\Users\ganesh\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\0620F060BFF5FB1BB087504D35FF59D7\partitions.csv"
exec: "cmd": executable file not found in %PATH%
Compilation error: exec: "cmd": executable file not found in %PATH%
The ESP32 boards platform uses the Windows command processor (cmd.exe) during the compilation process. It is assumed that you have the path to cmd.exe in your system Path environment variable, as is standard.
This error indicates that you have some unusual configuration of Windows that causes the path to cmd.exe to not be in your system Path environment variable. You will need to add it to the environment variable to fix this problem.
I'll provide instructions you can follow to do that:
Right click the "Start" icon on the left side of the Windows taskbar
Select "System" from the menu.
The "Settings" window will open.
Click the "Advanced system settings" link you find under the "Related Links" (or "Related Settings" if you are using Windows 10) section of the "Settings" window.
If you get a "User Account Control" dialog, click the Yes button.
In the "System Properties" window, select the "Advanced" tab.
Click the Environment Variables button.
An "Environment Variables" dialog will open.
Select the "Path" variable from under the "System variables" section of the dialog "Environment Variables" dialog.
An "Edit environment variable" dialog will open.
Click the New button in the "Edit environment variable" dialog.
Type %SystemRoot%\system32
Click the OK button in the "Edit environment variable" dialog.
Click the OK button in the "Environment Variables" dialog.
Restart Arduino IDE if it is running.
Now try compiling or uploading to your ESP32 board again. Hopefully the error will no longer occur.
Please let me know if you have any questions or problems while following those instructions.