Compressing bin file with Python algorithm for OTA

Can someone tell me the environment needed to run python's lzss algorithm, which compresses the file in preparation for OTA?
I installed python 3.11.5 on a Windows PC, invoked the program, and tried to run the --encode command but a syntax error was generated. Are you allowed to put the bin file's full directory path in the command line or is something else required? I have a Linux PC but have not attempted the compression using it as the Arduino IDE is on my Windows PC.

Python 3.11.5 (tags/v3.11.5:cce6ba9, Aug 24 2023, 14:38:34) [MSC v.1936 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
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>>> ./ --encode C:\Users\Ed\Arduino IDE Support Files\ESP32_Blink_For_OTA_Test.ino.bin C:\Users\Ed\Arduino IDE Support Files\ESP32_Blink_For_OTA_Test.ino.lzss
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    ./ --encode C:\Users\Ed\Arduino IDE Support Files\ESP32_Blink_For_OTA_Test.ino.bin C:\Users\Ed\Arduino IDE Support Files\ESP32_Blink_For_OTA_Test.ino.lzss
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

It seems likely that one would run that python program from the PC command line, not the Python interpreter command line.

Try something like

which works as expected on my Windows machine, with this version of

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I tried your suggestion and got a little further with it at least opening the file but it generated a Non-UTF-8 code syntax error. I may go to the link the error message provided.
But in the meantime I discovered 'Elegant OTA' and installed it in the IDE library and it works wonderfully with no file compression or other steps for theESP32. So I may not pursue this any further.
My next step is to get OTA for the Arduino UNO Rev2; hopefully that will be fairly straightforward.

C:\Users\Ed\Arduino IDE Support Files>python3 ESP32_Blink_For_OTA_Test.ino.bin
SyntaxError: Non-UTF-8 code starting with '\xe9' in file C:\Users\Ed\Arduino IDE Support Files\ESP32_Blink_For_OTA_Test.ino.bin on line 1, but no encoding declared; see for details

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