I have connected a USB keyboard to this Addicore CP2102 USB to Serial (UART) Converter Module and the latter to the UART3 of Arduino MEGA2560. The code I wrote just reads the UART3 and sends them to UART0. But it does not work. To give some more information I have the following connection:
I'm pretty sure the UNO shields will work on the Mega. If not they could be easily modded. I think the only difference is the location of the SPI port and most shields get that off of the ICSP connector anyway.
Do the PS/2 to USB adaptors work for any USB keyboard? Do they have chip inside that transforms (translates) USB signals to PS/2 signals and vice-versa?
Actually, I can confirm that the one in the Amazon link works with a Mega. I forgot I've used that one before with a Mega to read from a game controller. No modifications needed and there's an official library for it.