Connecting and charging with ipad

Hi there,

I want to connect my arduino uno with my ipad 3 to trigger some light switches while playing a 6-minutes-video (can be done with processing I guess).
But because the ipad needs to run about 10h it´s important for me to make it charge or at least sustain it´s power.

I hope this can be done either by:

connecting the arduino via usb (camera connection kit) to the arduino and plugging the arduino to a 12v power adapter and then charging via usb

this is my preferred way.


using the PodBreakout , but I´m uncertain how to mix charging with a serial connection.

any suggestions / ideas?

thanks in advance!


for the pod breakout you just need to connect GND and RX/TX to your arduino and then V+, D-, and D+ for charging. loook at the last three images here + their paragraphs: Digitalduino: FM Radio Aux Input Mod.

thank you for this link.
I´ll order the breakout and see, if it works. Thank you very much!

Just got my ipad, but when I plug in my arduino with the camera connection kit I get a "device is not compatible" message from the ipad.
I also ordered the podbreakout 1.5, can you give me a simple hint how to establish the serial connection to my arduino when using the podbreakout and processing?

IIRC, the camera connection kit is meant to be used in mass storage device mode. I don't think its even possible to make it work with an Arduino. You need to do something like this: You chose the wrong brand of device for hacking.

More sites:

You chose the wrong brand of device for hacking.

Agreed. Although the camera connection kit USB port also supports MIDI over USB, so it may also be possible to get serial over USB from it, I haven't updated my iOS SDK in ages.

The newer iDevices, that have Bluetooth V4, support serial communication over BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy). There are a couple of BLE shields now available. You will need to write your own app though.

Texas Instruments has published some demo code -

Well, ipad is not my choice and, unfortunatly, it´s not optional :frowning:

And this guy for example was able to handle it with a virtual keyboard:

this one with the coremidi framework:

this one with very basic equipment:

But I don´t understand how they do it so I´m asking for help...

dxw00d thanks for sharing your links, I´ll check them out!

There's the Redpark TTL Cable which allows serial communication of iPad, iPod, iPhone, etc. with your Arduino very easily (and officially, without jailbreaking):

Or you could use a Bluetooth Low Energy shield:
Either this one:
Or this one:

Or you could use a Bluetooth Low Energy shield:
Either this one:
Or this one:

Yes, those are the same links I posted earlier.

The Redpark cable only breaks out the serial connections. If you want to charge at the same time, you need the PodBreakout. You don't need to jailbreak to use either. You do need XCode and the iOS SDK to develop apps, whichever you choose. The Redpark SDK would likely work with the PodBreakout too.