Connecting ESP8266-02 using Arduino Using

Dear Community,

I've got a problem using my ESP8266-02 Chip.

I used this image to see where the pins are:

I connected the ESP as following:


VCC 3.3V
GPIO15 3.3V
GPIO0 none
GPIO2 none
RST none

I tried it with the AT Commands but nothing happens.

Hope you can help me.

I bought a -01 version that came without firmware, maybe something to check?

Did you load a dummy program on the arduino like below first before connecting the ESP8266 to the arduino? Do you have the serial monitor set to the appropriate baud rate and with proper line endings if needed?

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


I believe you need a level-shifter for all used IO pins (TX and RX in your case).

Or do you run your UNO on 3.3V?

I run my UNO on 5V. And when I start the Module when the Serial Monitor is already open! There is something displayed.

But I cannot read the content in every Baud Rate.

You will damage the ESP8266 if you do not use level-shifters,
and, if you are unlucky, you already have damaged it.

I have a second one I only tested it with one of it... And what kind of level-shifter should I use ? Isn't it possible with a resistor?

Have a look here ESP-8266 - Home Automation - Arduino Forum

Or search for 'esp8266 level shifter' yourself.

A previous discussion where somebody may have been successful without using level shifters. Not really sure how the level shifters actually play into the TTL communication setup.