Connecting HC-08 as master and HC-05 as slave

Good day all

this might be a stupid question, but i have searched for 2 days now without success.
I have two Bluetooth modules (HC-05 and HC-08 BLE)

i cannot get the two to connect to each other in any way.

i would like to make a simple remote control car using:
For the car:
*Arduino Uno R3
*Adafruit Motor driver shield V1
*1 stepper motor to drive the car backwards and forwards
*1 servo to steer the car
*HC-05/8 Bluetooth module as receiver

for the remote:
*Arduino Nano
*HC-05/08 Bluetooth transmitter
*one joystick for backwards, forwards, left and right

if someone can please point me in the direction where to learn to connect the devices together and how to communicate between them.

There are tutorials in the IDE example collection.

Also, please read and use this link: How to get the best out of this forum - Using Arduino / IDE 1.x - Arduino Forum

Spend a few minutes reviewing both Bluetooth and BLE. Then you will see why you are having problems.

HC-05 is a classic Bluetooth device only BT2 .
HC-08 is a BLE device BT4.
While that latter implies it can be configured as BT2 in order to talk to HC-05, I don't believe that is actually the case, and you are out of luck. Check the HC-08 manual.

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