Connecting LED RGB adressable strip and arduino with the same PSU


First of all, I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this. If not, tell me and I will move or delete this post.

I'm trying to make an alarm clock that will wake me up with light and I am going to use an adressable LED RGB strip to achieve that. The alarm clock will be connected to the wall outlet but I'm not sure how to connect both the LED strip and the arduino with the same PSU.

Thanks in advance!

Your question is lacking detail. Which Arduino? Which LED strip? How many LEDs will be lighted? What PSU? What is the supply voltage? What is the supply's current capability?

Thanks for your reply! Sorry for not providing enough information.

Arduino: Leonardo
LED Strip: Not available in global market, only in local stores. It's a 15 Led SK6812
LED amount: All 15 of them
PSU: Home -
PSU Voltage: Variable
PSU Current: 1.5A

Another question, what if I use a non adressable 12v LED Strip? Do I need 2 PSU's? 1 for the Arduino and 1 for the LED's?


If those LEDs are like similar strips each LED takes 20mA so all 15 lighted is 15 pixels X 3 LEDs X .020A = 0.9A. So that power supply will be able to handle the current if all LEDs are on. You could power the LEDs and the Arduino from that one supply. Do not power the Arduino with the power supply and USB at the same time.

It seems that those are similar to the WS2812 strips. It is recommended that those have a 1000uF cap across the power input and a 470 Ohm resistor in series between the output pin and the Din of the strip. Maybe check to see if the same is recommended for your strip.