Hey everyone I'm pretty new to the space and was wondering if this is a viable solution to be able to use 2.4Ghz USB with arduino and avoid bluetooth. Nothing against BT, I'm just not allowed to use it in this case. Would I be better off using other components or is this pretty much it? The idea is kind of like a USB wireless mouse with just the little receiver, ( in this case the CH340T + NRF24L01) and the actual transmitter will be another NRF24L01 rigged to an arduino. Any input helps, again I'm pretty new so I apologize for anything that is unclear or senseless.
I would be really really surprised if you could get a RF24 module to work with just a CH340T. Just not going to happen.
What would the CH340T connect to? If you want more help, please describe, in detail, what you are trying to do and what you are trying to do it with. Schematic diagrams often are very helpful since textual descriptions of electronic circuits are often ambiguous at best.
If you want a serial port to talk to another serial port (like Bluetooth classic) you could use HC12 transceivers.
Bluetooth also uses that frequency, so why is BT not acceptable, but other 2.4GHz tech is ok?
Also please explain what you mean by "2.4GHz USB".
10+ years ago there was an attempt to introduce a wireless USB standard, but that used higher frequencies than BT (3~10GHz) and never became a success.
I don't think @connormazz has the knowledge to be able to draw a schematic, but a high-level block diagram would certainly help explain to us what the idea and purpose of the project is.
The idea is more of a sanity check/ experiment without using BT vs using BT. All that really has to be done is be able to communicate with the arduino and the computer through this interface. This is the CH340T usb adapter and a NRF24L01, this would go into the PC. I guess the question is if it is even possible/worth trying to rig another NRF24L01 to an arduino to try and be able to use it as a transmitter to the other NRF24L01. Again apologies for not being able to provide specifics I'm just trying to get an idea of what I'm working with rather than cold hard answers. Thanks again for bearing with me.
I think the USB module you want to use is a serial-via-NRF 'solution',
and has some small micro in addition to the CH340 and the NRF.
I'm not aware if the used software is Open-Source, or even documented.
You could find out what is happening with the NRF, since you have access to all its signals.
@PaulRB, I will amend that to any diagram is useful, then.
@Whandall, That reminds me that years ago I had a NRF24L01 "dongle" that plugged into a USB port. You would use a serial port (like serial monitor or a terminal like Putty or a Processing program) to talk to another rf24 through it. It was not documented, had a Chinese program to set it up so it was very hard to use.
Anyway, so I did a search for "NRF24L01 USB dongle" and found this:
The NRF24 module would be purchased separately.
Maybe this is what the OP wanted?
I think the OP posted pictures of
which seems to be the same board as yours, with a rotated NRF.
One of the orientations is certainly wrong, I would check VCC and GND to make sure,
before operating it.
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